Aristi Karagkouni’s educational background includes Doctorate (PhD) in Sustainable Development and Management of Infrastructure from Democritus University of Thrace (Department of Economics), MSc in Environmental Management for Business from Cranfield University (UK) and Diploma (equivalent to 4 years BA and 1-year MSc) in Civil Engineering (Transportation planning). She is currently an adjusted Lecturer in the Department of Economics (DUTh) as well as a Post Doctoral Researcher in the research field of Sustainable Development and Management of Infrastructure. She participates in the MBA Master’s Program at Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus as well as in the Master’s Program ‘Hydrocarbon Exploration and Exploitation’ at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has participated in 60 publications in scientific missions, journals, international conferences, and workshops and she has contributed to 4 research projects. In addition, she participates in the organizing committee of the International Conference that is held every 3 years on “Intermodal Transports: Innovation in Planning, Management, Business Development & Decision Making”.