Maria Sartzetaki educational qualifications include Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD) fro m the Dept. of Economics, Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), Master in Science (MSc) from Cranfield University; MSc from the Aristotle University of Thessa loniki; and Diploma (equivalent to 4 years BA and 1 year MSc) in Engineering from DUTh. She is A ssistant Professor of Management (Business Administration) in Dept. of Economics, Democritus University of Thrace. She has also contributed to graduate and pos t graduate educational programs in Democritus University of Thrace, Hellenic Open University, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Neapolis University of Pafos (Cyprus). Her research contribution includes publications in peer reviewed journals; interna tional peer review conferences; and international and national congresses and workshops. She has participated in a variety of research projects as a member of universities’ research units in subjects of her expertise. She is a member of the Economic Chamb er of Greece, a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, as well as a member of scientific ass o ciations, communities and forums related to Management, Economics, Operational Research and Strategic
Planning. Her professional truck record includes the occ upation of executive advisory positions in large enterprises and organizations. She has delivere d various state of the art studies in management, economics, and business planning for enterprises. She was a member of the Researchers working group of the ATA RD COST European Framework Programme, through which she achieved Grants (Short Time Scientific Missions) for research activities and lecturing in Worms University/ Germany. After an open public competition, in 2019, she was the winner of the professional achievement award of the “Study UK Alumni Award” awarded by the British Council in Greece.